What's Eating Your Roof? Not Just Dirt. It's Time for a Roof Cleaning!
Do you see some ugly black streaks on your roof? Roof cleaning is the solution. Not only are these unsightly, but over time they can damage your shingles and decrease the life of your roof!
Where do these black roof stains come from? It is caused by cyanobacteria called Gloeocapsa Magma. This bacteria is an algae-like plant that feeds on the limestone filler used in nearly all asphalt shingles made in the past 40 years. It is continuing to spread across Atlanta, the Southeast, and other parts of the country where it is warm and humid.
This problem is amplified on the north side and shaded areas of your roof. Lack of sunlight means more moisture, creating the perfect environment for maximum growth. Once this colony of cyanobacteria is established, it creates a petri-dish effect on your roof. Left unattended, these black streaks continue growing. Over time, this can foster other living organisms, such as mold, moss, lichen, & worse!
Eventually, this can cause premature aging and rot of your roof Some insurance companies are even canceling Insurance policies because of this problem.

Benefits of Roof Washing
Complete mold & mildew elimination
Damage-free, mess-free
Longer lasting results
Exclusive 5 year warranty
Your roof shingles will never be harmed and will look almost new when we’re done. This may extend the life of your roof, get the HOA off your back, and avoid any potential issues with your home insurance company -- all for a fraction of the cost of a new roof!
At Aqua-Nomics Exterior Cleaning, we have the proper tools, knowledge, and experience to ensure your roof cleaning is done properly.